Antinous Documents
Antinous Inscriptions
…Hadrian Caesar by his hand (Imperial
Decree) consecrates Antinous the Deified…
We the Adriatic assembly, standing in
awe of the beautiful Antinous, raise you, the new god Hermes. Nicias dedicates
this, who you, O Blessed One, made your priest and who has been serving
as a priest through his life.
Hadrian’s Villa
Antinous and Belenus are equal in age
and beauty, thus why would Antinous not also be worshipped like Belenus
appropriately, Quintus the Sicilian
Antinous Epiphanios, Pheidos Akulas,
[Julius Fidus Aquila]
Epistrategos of the Thebais
Rome, Campus Martius
To Antinous, Enthroned with the Gods of
M. Oulpios, Prophet of Apollo
Athens, Theater of Dionysus
For the Priest of Antinous,
from the chorus of the God of the Dance
Hostillios Marcellus the Priest of Antinous
Isodoros Didymos son of Didymos, Priest
of Antinous
Rome, Porta San Sebastiano
For the Loyal and Faithful Publius Sufenas,
the Palmyrian, Equites, Roman Decurial of Clerks and Curule Aediles, Lupercus,
Priest of Laurenti Lavinati, Fratria member of Antinous and Eunostos in
Naples, fourth Decurion Male Citizen of Alba Longa Bovillenses, profitably
to his merits willingly gives says and dedicates this.
Eurycles Herculanus built this stoa with
the seats for the city of Mantineia, and for our fellow countryman, the
god Antinous by his heirs.
..Antinous and Athenian…
…of those from the temple of Sebastian
[Augustus] and of those from the temple of Nemean Zeus and of those from
the temple of Antinous in Argos and of those from the temple of Antinous
in Mantineia.
The City of the Alexandrians and Hermopolis
the Great and the Council of the New Greek Antinoans and the Greek living
in the delta of Egypt, and those living under the law of Thebais, honored
Poplios Ailios Aristeidein Theodorus for his many virtues and for his
My father has set me, Antinous, up because
of my beauty, as a result of this, my mother has given me an everlasting
Temple of Antinous at Socanica
This temple is dedicated to Antinous the
Hero, by command of Emperor Caesar Trajan Hadrian Augustus and his son
Lucius Aelius Caesar Augustus, the colonists of the Dardanian silver mines,
by the administration of the Imperial Procurator Telesphoros, freely made
Temple of Antinous at Carnutum
Imperator Lucius Aelius Caesar son of
Trajan Hadrian Augustus, of tribunician power, consul, twice proconsul,
quindecemvir, made this temple sacred to Antinous.