Ancient Antinous Documents

The Lion Hunt Papyrus

And swifter than the horse of Adrastus
Which once saved the king as he battle-throng.
Such was the steed whereon Antinous sat in wait for the deadly lion,
Holding in his left hand the bridle-rein
And in his right a spear shod with adamant.
First Hadrian his brass fitted spear wounded the beast
But slew him not, for of purpose he missed the mark,
Wishing to test to the full the sureness of aim
Of his beauteous Antinous, son of the Argus-slayer.
Stricken, the beast was yet more aroused,
And tore up in his wrath the rough ground with his paws,
And dust rising in a cloud dimmed the light of the sun.
He raged even as the wave of the surging sea
When Zephyrus is stirred forth after the wind of Strumon.
Straight he rushed upon them both,
Scourging with his tail, his haunches and sides
While his eyes, beneath his brows, flashed dreadful fire;
And from his ravening jaws the foam showered to the earth
As his teeth gnashed within.
On his mighty head and shaggy neck the hair stood bristling.
On his limbs it was bushy as trees,
And on his was like whetted spear points.
In such wise he came against the glorious god, upon Antinous
Like Typhoeus of old against Zeus, slayer of giants...