In the Name of Antinous,
Most Holy, Most Blessed, Most Glorious
God of Beauty and Youth
I consecrate my Life to You
Hasten to Ignite your Fire in Me,
Illuminate the Spark of my Being
With the Brilliance of your Perfect Face.
Adorn the Scent of my Limbs
With the Love of Your Fragrance
Impose your Name upon my Name
Let my Ear hear your Voice
Let my Cheek feel your Breath,
Take your place within my Heart
And elevate me to the flame of your Ever-lasting Star.
Through the Power and Grace
Of the Sacred Name of Antinous,
I consecrate myself to You, Antinous of Bithynia.
Antinous the Gay God…I commend myself to You.
Antinous the Epiphany
Antinous the Divine Ephebe
Antinous the Justified
Antinous the Victorious
Antinous the Unconquered Youth
Antinous of the Heavens
Antinous the Restorer
Antinous the Savior
Antinous the Daemon
Antinous the New Star
Antinous the Beautiful
Antinous the Beloved
Antinous the Blessed
Antinous the Benevolent
Antinous the Holy
Antinous the Flowering
Antinous the Rejuvenator
Antinous the Fruitful
Antinous the Distributor of Peace
Antinous the Shinning
Antinous the Beloved of Hadrian
Antinous who was Assumed into Heaven
Antinous of the Red Lotus Flower
Antinous of the Oracles
Antinous of the Unknowable God
Antinous of the Marble and Bronze
Antinous Leader of the Muses
Antinous of the Moon
Antinous the Spider
Antinous the Hunter
Antinous Master of the Hounds
Antinous the Liberator
Antinous Pantheon of the Gods
Antinous of the Inundation
Antinous Adonis of the Underworld
Antinous Cup Bearer of the Gods
Antinous Son of the Argus Slayer
Antinous the Lion-hearted
Antinous the Cloven Hoofed
Antinous of the Cap of Stars
Antinous the Reflection of Narcissus
Antinous who is Against the Mind,
Antinous who Fell into the Nile
Antinous whose Face is full of Grace
Antinous whose Salvation has been Accomplished
Antinous whose Star has come into Being
I commend Myself to You…Antinous.
This Body is your Altar, This Mind is your Pearl
This Heart is your Flower, This Soul is your Star.
Let my lips touch your Beatitude
I exalt in You and offer up my life to You
You pervade my Body and shine from my Face.
Your Beauty pours over my Lips.
I am the Chamber of your Spirit
I am the Influence of your Star
I see with Your Eyes, Breathe with your Breath.
Your perfect Name is on my Lips.
I walk through the World as you Walk
I fall prostrate upon my Face before You
I kiss your Feet that are my own Feet
I am the Ground of Holy Antinoopolis
Clothe me in Your Light…Antinous.
I call out to you, Antinous
I lift up Myself up to you…Antinous.
In the Sacred Name of Antinous
I am One with Antinous…I am Antinous.